Wednesday, 1 August 2012

In the gym today with U.S. Olympians

Over the past few months there have been a few semi-famous people at my gym. I've seen actors, comedians, singers and some athletes, naturally. I think this is because of a few hotels nearby. The vast majority though have been z-listers. Today I saw and actually talked to some current Olympians.

Although the vast majority of the 2012 Olympics is taking place in London there is some action around the country, specifically football. There has been quite a few tourists here in Manchester watching games, Brazilians, and Americans especially. I haven't seen many (if any) North Koreans knocking around though. I wonder how many have actually travelled, apart from officials.

Yesterday the American women's team beat the North Koreans 1-0 at Old Trafford and today I saw about half of the American team in my gym as I was leaving. I had a brief chat with a few of them and for the record they were very friendly and approachable but I didn't want to pester them so I wished them good luck and made my way home. I wonder what the North Korean team are doing today? They've been knocked out at the group stage. I doubt they'll be shopping in Selfridges and Harvey Nichols. So far the North Koreans are having a good Olympics as too is the South Korean team.
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