Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Chasing MP's for pension answers

This week I decided to return to the forlorn quest of my 'missing pension' money from Korea. I wrote letters to two MP's, my local MP and also to the head of the government Department for Work and Pensions. I will not mention his name such is my disdain for his transparent crusade. I have little to no expectations but I basically asked three simple questions, Is there any way that I can receive my pension? Why is there no pensions agreement between the UK and South Korea? Are there any plans to reach a pensions agreement with South Korea?

My previous experience of writing to politicians here has been mixed but I have always received a reply, even if it was written by an underling. My previous attempts to get some answers in Korea came to nothing but I don't blame the people I spoke to there, it would be nice just to get something official in English. I will post any replies I get however short they are.
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