Wednesday 3 March 2010


If the highlight of your day was learning a new students English name then snap! Yesterday was one of my most frustrating days as an ESL teacher as one of my students just didn't get what we were studying. Granted it wasn't easy but my explanations were clear enough for everyone else - everyone is new to this level not just the one boy. I gave the situation maximum attention because a) it was difficult and b) it is important for a lot of what will come but the poor boy just couldn't grasp it. I really tried to get him to understand but this time it wasn't happening.

He doesn't understand because he's been levelled up not because he has earned it or is ready for it, he is there because his mother kept complaining. He is not a new student, I've taught him for maybe four or five months so he is familiar with me and I know what makes him tick too. It would seem his mother doesn't understand the boy well enough, her complaints are unjustified and she is going to put pressure on the lad to improve when he needs to learn at a slower pace for now. Anyway, today is another day. The sun is shining and it feels like a Spring day. In another, younger class I got a new student. And his English name - ICEMAN.

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